Western history Western Travel

Elusive Historical Markers

Meeker Massacre Historical Marker

How many times have you passed a historical marker, thinking that you would stop to see it “next time”, only next time never comes? As we were driving through the Rio Blanco, or White River Valley in Colorado last week for the umpteenth time, my hubby surprised me by stopping at the historical marker. I always wondered where the Meeker Massacre took place, and whether this marker might enlighten me. It did.

White River Valley
White River Valley

History lends character to this serene river valley. Although the West was dotted with similar skirmishes, this one is particularly interesting due to the involvement of Chipita, wife of Ute Chief Ouray. When the Utes gathered the surviving women and children from the families of the victims, Chipita went to their aid. Imagine their grief and fear that day. She opened her heart, shared their tears, and gave them comfort and shelter. To her, they were grieving families who needed her help, and nothing more.

Joyce B. Lohse, www.LohseWorks.com