There is nothing like a weekend in Yellowstone National Park to clear the brain and boost the soul. For me, time spent with friends from Savage Days, when we lived and worked together long ago in Yellowstone Park, made the journey more meaningful and enriching. After this summer, punctuated by loss and sadness, my soul was elevated by time spent with friends in a place where stunning natural beauty and abundant wildlife speaks volumes to my heart and spirit.
As time goes on, solid long-lasting friendships grow in importance and increase in scope. During years accumulated since spending a season working together in Yellowstone Park, my posse of pals has shared more wonderful memories and adventures than you can imagine. While our group has grown through families and extended lives, we’ve found new ways to enjoy our explorations and learn from sharing and seeking new paths. In this way, the place has been augmented by assorted people and new experiences. Pioneers exploring the American West, past and present, learned more from shared experiences, especially as seen them through different eyes.

I hoped to return to Yellowstone with a new electronic version of my book, A Yellowstone Savage, ready for market. Somehow, the summer slipped away, and that task was sidetracked by more important matters. However, a revised Savage is in the works, and will be coming soon. Watch for its arrival while I relish revisiting the story of my Savage friends, and find new avenues to enrich the text while we continue to add to our ongoing story.