Western history

A Palmer Tribute

A Palmer Tribute —

What is it?

A free open house event to celebrate Colorado Springs founder, General William Palmer, will take place at the Evergreen Cemetery Chapel in Colorado Springs on Friday, July 17, from 1 to 4 p.m.

Author Joyce B. Lohse will discuss General Palmer with visitors, with a computer slide show on display. She will be available to sign books, including General William Palmer: Railroad Pioneer, which will be available for purchase. Books by Joyce appeal to history buffs of all ages, and are appropriate for young readers. Dianne Hartshorn of A Perfect Era and Blanche’s Place will appear in character as Palmer’s wife, Queen.

General William Palmer: Railroad Pioneer, ISBN 978-0-86541-092-3,
list price $8.95, is available through booksellers, or from the publisher, www.filterpressbooks.com . Check author web site for appearances and information at www.lohseworks.com . To learn more about the Victorian Era and historic costumes, go to: www.aperfectera.com and www.blanchesplace.com.

Please join us for conversation about
history and books at A Palmer Tribute.
— Joyce & Dianne

General audience – public welcome!

Joyce B. Lohse, 7/7/09