Estes Park and Stephen King

100 degree weather in Denver sent me scurrying off to the high country. Luckily, the Estes Park Genealogical Society invited me to speak at their conference on Saturday. It was a fine event —  friendly, well-organized, and productive. I spoke about Pioneer History and some of the research methods I’ve used with much success to learn about the characters for my biographies, and to sort out the truth about their lives from legends which surround…

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Closure and Reflection

Finalizing a book manuscript to hand over to the publisher is a strange and wonderful time. I could continue editing indefinitely, but the time has come to finalize it. The danger with over-editing is that the life and character might be sucked out of the text, rendering it ordinary. Thus, I bid farewell to Baby Doe Tabor while she is still lively and colorful so her story can move on to the next step. I…

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Solitary Writing Life

Writing is sometimes a solitary endeavor. Not this week! Looking back, I am grateful for my support system, which helps make all things possible. On Tuesday evening, I attended the Colorado Authors’ League (CAL) banquet with my hub and partner, Don, who is my anchor in all aspects of life. My publishers from Filter Press, Doris and Tom Baker, braved a spring blizzard to attend with us. My friend from Women Writing the West (WWW),…

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